As one year ends and another begins, I feel a little thrill of diving into the One Word process. I just love letting a word find me and then exploring it throughout the year: letting it inform choices and guide me through whatever happens.
One observation I’ve made about my own One Word practice is that often (always?), one word flows into the next. OPEN flowed into RELEASE. CLEAR made space for CALM; which then flowed into TRUST.
What’s more, often our words inform and inspire others. My BFF and I have never had the same word but often – like this year with her LIGHT and my FREE – they support each other.
I’ve talked to some of you about your process of One Word-ing and y’all report similar experiences. Words that morph into the next word, words that circle and eddy and come back around, words that are ignited by someone else.
Putting our words together into a piece of art is a creative project that I always look forward to and this year, after all those conversations and observations, Our One Word 2024 art is about how we flow around and buoy each other by showing up with presence and intention.
Here it is:
Our One Word 2024.
As you explore your One Word, see what other words — ones you’ve used before, that you find in a thesaurus or in your experience or others’ words — flow into, enhance and support your word. Spend some time with the art and see what you notice, what gives you a YES? What opens up a different possibility for your word?
Want to have one of your own? If you go here, you’ll find Our One Word art that you are welcome to print out, add to, color in, share...whatever you like!
Happy 2024! Happy Year of [insert your word]!